Touching Suffering in Gaza and in Me to Embrace All Beings

Date: Saturday, August 23, 2014
9:30am – 2:30pm
Location:  Chua Vietnam Temple
68 Bradeen Street
Roslindale, MA 02131


“Do not lose awareness of the existence of suffering in the life of the world. Find ways to be with those who are suffering – awaken yourself and others to the reality of suffering in the world.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

“Taking refuge in the Sangha in myself, I aspire to help all people build fourfold communities, to embrace all beings and support their transformation.” -The Three Refuges

In my practice, my theme right now is of being with suffering, embracing suffering and all beings, and how to respond to situations like Gaza. How do I embrace all beings be they so-called victims or so-called perpetrators, close to me or far away, allowing both to be who they are with all their imperfections, and offering a path to peace?

Taking refuge (and even surrender, pranidahna) is another big practice theme for me, and one of the refuges we take is the Sangha Jewel, which might not always feel the diamond we thought we wanted on a wedding ring.
Looking at these two themes and Shantideva’s (Boddhicharyavatara ch 8) advice on meditation and exchanging self and others, will be our playground for this day.

We will have a picnic style lunch (BYOF – bring your own food), outside if weather permits, somewhat less formal than usual, allowing for more relaxed social time. Please bring a sandwich, salad, or other food item you would like to have for lunch. And if you would like to bring something else to share with others that is always appreciated.

The afternoon will include Dharma Sharing and total relaxation.

In keeping with the BOPS tradition, do join us at any time for any length of time.

Suggested Dana (donation): $20